Prague escort are very different to Prague prostitutes. However, one has to be very careful how you word this as they are both women and they both pander to the needs of men. The two forms of ‘encounter’ tend to be where the biggest difference lies, and understanding this will help you make the most of any time you spend with a Czech escort. After all, if you were searching for ‘escorts Prague’ on the internet and found SecretGirlPrague that way, then you already know she is going to be one of the best escorts in Prague you can find.
Czech escorts and Prague escorts are ‘companions’
Spending half an hour with a prostitute is not exactly a mentally stimulating encounter. It is a ‘no frills’ meeting. With Prague escorts, the whole concept is about two people meeting and being sociable. Russian girls and Czech escorts aren’t allowed to ‘sell sex’, but they are allowed to ‘sell’ the time they spend with you, so make the most of it. Get to know them, talk to them and treat them like you would were they your girlfriend. What you will soon discover is that an escort Praha, as they are known locally, is as intelligent as she is beautiful, and if you don’t ‘connect’ with her on a mental level, you will miss out on so much more enjoyment.
Don’t rush at things like a bull at a gate, be respectful of your escort in Prague
What you and your Prague escort get up to behind closed doors is entirely up to you and between you. It is what both of you decide you want and not just the one of you. However, don’t be in too much of a rush to turn your meeting into something more private, as it won’t allow you time for any teasing and anticipation.
Talk about things you enjoy, like an erotic massage. Prague is renowned for these
Don’t be afraid to talk to your escort about your fantasies and perhaps how you have always wanted to experience the joys of an erotic massage in Prague. Maybe she will be able to recommend one of her friends who could ‘help you out’ in making one of your fantasies come true.