Schools back in session. Your first lesson? When it comes to escorts, you get what you pay for, and sometimes deals can easily become disasters.
All escorts have their own way of doing things, which is fantastic in part because that means that you will be able to find the girl that perfectly fits your idea of the ultimate evening. However, this also has some drawbacks… Because it means that of the literally thousands of independent and agency girls, it can take some serious legwork to be able to find the one best suits your individual needs.
There are definitely key differences between independent escorts and agency escorts. Knowing which one is the best route for you to take, when booking an escort of your own is entirely down to individual preference. To help figure out which format suits your particular individual preference, we’ll break down the general pros and cons of each.
Independent Escorts
Independent escorts are girls that run their own show. They make their own schedules, and decide who, what, when, where, and how. Because they don’t go through an agency, their personal overhead is a bit lower, so in general, they come a bit cheaper. Not only that, but any fee you are charged goes directly to the independent escort herself. Many girls work as independent escorts precisely because of this fact, making it a great way to be able to find a really wide selection of women and the services they provide.
What information you have to give up during the vetting process is entirely up to the discretion of the independent escort herself, some will require more thorough information, while others may require none at all. Another added bonus is that you get to speak with the escort directly, prior to booking. Which means that you can discuss preferences and expectations with whoever will be providing them, as opposed with some intermediary.
- Lower cost
- All proceeds go directly to the girl
- Wider selection
- No middlemen
- More initial direct conversation
- No guarantee
- Lax vetting process
- Lots more research required
- Less flexibility with schedule
The downfalls associated with an independent escort are generally that they are – independent. While agencies provide a higher overhead and a bit of a pain in the ass to book, they do it for protection and assurance. Neither of which you’ll get with an independent escort. With independent escorts, there is absolutely no guarantee that whomever you end up booking, will, in fact, be the person that will show up on the given night. There’s no way to vet the lady in question without doing your own personal research- checking out forums and reviews of any independent escort, prior to hiring them, is definitely a must. Even then, you can sometimes still end up getting the runaround.
Many independent escorts run a fairly tight schedule, so last minute bookings can be hard, if not impossible to secure. If something comes up for them, it’s unlikely that they will be able to replace themselves with an equally viable candidate. It can definitely be a slight risk choosing an independent escort over one that is associated with an agency, but with enough research and exploration- that risk can pay off handsomely.
Agency Escorts
Agency escorts are women who use an agency as an intermediary between themselves and prospective clients. This provides both the escort and the client a mutual assurance that each has been vetted properly. Giving security to the escort and ensuring that as a client, you’re getting what you pay for. Many agencies will be able to provide the ideal escort to you (or viable options) based on your individual preferences, and the better they are at matching prospective clients with their escorts, the better their business will be. It’s definitely in the agency’s best interest to provide clients with exactly the escort that is promised and sought after, which can help assure clients that they will, in fact, be getting what they’re paying for.
Because agencies can match you with an ideal date based off of the expectations you have, in turn, get to relax and ease off the groundwork of finding the perfect escort yourself. They also have a wide range of available girls to choose from, who all work varied schedules. Most agencies are 24-hour operations, so they can much more easily fulfill last minute bookings.
- Vetting process for both clients and escorts
- A business with a reputation to uphold
- Less footwork to find what you want
- Better for last minute booking
- More expensive
- Less personal communication
- Your fee goes to both the agency and the girl
While agencies are a popular option for many people that are looking to secure an escort, they don’t allow as much individual control over what date you get. Not only that, but they can be quite a bit more expensive than their non-agency cohorts.
Curious to know more? Book any one of our numerous independent escorts or agency girls through our website. Are you an independent escort in Prague that is looking for a great space to advertise yourself and your business? Check out our pricing page to find out how you can post your ads for free.